Charles W. Ranson Consulting Group, LLC
Trusts & Estates Litigation Consulting & Expert Witness Testimony


Duty of Loyalty

A trustee owes a duty of loyalty to the beneficiaries and cannot place the trustee’s own interests above those of the beneficiaries. Between loyalty and prudence, the duty of loyalty is more “fundamental” of the two.

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Duty of Prudence

It is said that two grand principles underlie much of the Anglo-American law of trusts: the trustee’s duties of loyalty and of prudence.

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Duty Of Impartiality

The essence of a trustee’s duty of impartiality is that the trustee may not favor one beneficiary over another, unless authorized to do so by the governing instrument.

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Trustee Standard Of Care

A trustee is required to exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution in the effectuation of his duties and decision-making.

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Trust Expert Witness

With extensive experience in trust administration, fiduciary duties, and applicable standard of care, Charles W. Ranson delivers clear, credible, and authoritative trust expert witness testimony to support legal cases.

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The Uniform Prudent Investor Act

The UPIA dictates more modern risk management practices by applying modern portfolio theory in the construction, management, and monitoring of trust investment portfolios.

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